no sLACKers

we’re patiently waiting to find out what we’re allowed to blog about

Last Post November 12, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — knorra04 @ 3:03 pm

What can you learn in a short four week class?  Aparrently it is possible to fit in a lot of information and skills into an incredibly short amount of time. 

This module opened me up to things I probably never would have used and am now able to use well.  I never kept a blog and this class taught me how to post and upload pictures or videos.  By the end of the module, I was pretty happy blogging instead of typing out papers each week.  I liked the mix of text and pictures.  It left room for more creativity than our first module. 

Diigo showed me that you can bookmark sites and share them with other people.  I didn’t even know that site existed until the first day of this module.  It was fun to look for sites that I found interesting and bookmark them for future reference. 

Netvibes was another enjoyable project.  I liked that the whole think could be customized to fit your personality.  After a few tries, I finally go the hang of adding widgets and creating tabs to sort my stuff.  It made it easy to check up on all daily websites at once, instead of visiting each one separately.

Finally, the portfolio is indispensible.  I am definitely one to be organized.  I always have separte folders and notebooks for class.  I try to keep things color coded.  The portfolio was a great way to keep track of everything I am doing and will complete for the writing arts major. 

Though I was apprehensive about starting this module, I found that it was enjoyable and taught me things I probably never would have learned otherwise.


Addicted to world of…what?

Filed under: Uncategorized — knorra04 @ 2:54 pm

After reading all the articles in class about video games and multi-user dungeons, I still find it incredible that people get so addicted to these games.


well, our homework is online

Filed under: Uncategorized — knorra04 @ 2:43 pm


McCloud’s Comics

Filed under: Uncategorized — prende03 @ 12:41 pm

I enjoyed reading McCloud’s chapter on comics. It was fun and interesting to read a chapter that was finally different from dull, long, boring chapters. Most that I’ve read in text books only contain words that I’ll never need that the author only uses to try and sound smart instead of having their readers actually understand what’s going on and not pondering about what that word is-then losing track of what they were reading in the first place. Anyway, I liked the idea of adding pictures and diagrams to this chapter. The little seperate comics broke the chapter up so it was like I wasn’t even reading a chapter! I focused mostly on how I related to books throughout my life. First there were mostly pictures and very few words but for children that’s important. They need to sometimes make up their own stories in their mind. This allows their imagination to grow. Then I remember reading books in Elementary school that had some pictures with words. This helps children build their vocabulary and understanding of certain words, phrases, etc. Finally, as adults we no longer need or even want pictures to go along with our novels. It’s fun to use our imaginations to create images in our minds. I really enjoyed reading this and it was fun to finally read something a little bit different.


Video Games and Learning November 11, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — knorra04 @ 10:22 pm

What We Can Learn from Comics

Filed under: Uncategorized — knorra04 @ 10:16 pm

      McCloud’s chapter about comics was incredibly interesting.  It was much easier to read than any of the other articles this semester.  I really liked the mix of pictures and information in word form.  It is amazing to think that people have become so self centered that they can look at two dots and a line and see themselves.  It was odd to think that something so simple could render our own person.  I also liked how the article discussed the concept of icons.  After all, everything is an icon.  Words and pictures alike stand for something more.  Those letters and shapes are put together to demonstrate an idea or thought. 

Personally, I found it easier to learn the information in an article with pictures.  It kept my attention longer than reading page after page of typed information.  It also gave a different way to view the information being presented.  If I didn’t really understand what the words were saying, then I could look at the pictures to tell me more. 


My last post… incoming TFW students November 9, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinau14 @ 9:23 pm

If you are reading this because you are just starting Professor Wolff’s module “Technologies and the Future of Writing” you might be looking forward to working online and think you are in for a great experience.  On the other hand, if you have looked around his page for this module, you may be finding yourself a bit overwhelmed if you are not familiar with all the technology and websites of which he references.  I know I had started to panic during the first two weeks.

 I was content and enjoying Professor Courtney’s module when the rug was pulled out from under me and I was forced to leave my comfort zone and move into the new module.  The first assignment I found tedious.  I hadn’t annotated in forever and felt a bit clueless.  I felt panic ensuing.  Professor Courtney had warned the workload would increase.

Honestly, if at any point you feel yourself starting to feel overwhelmed with this module, just relax.  I am now heading off to Mod 3, begrudgingly.  What I learned with Professor Wolff will change how I use the internet and organize my college work.  I am thankful I took this course when I still have many more courses in which to utilize the knowledge I have gained here.

Do yourself a favor, put your best effort into this module and try not to miss a class day.  There is a lot of information packed into each class.  The knowledge you gain will be the base for your future work and your online experiences will be enriched. 


Great ideas for Great Blog Posts

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinau14 @ 5:11 pm

Now that we are wrapping up our posting for TFW, some of us may be addicted to this medium and may take our own direction with blogging.  This guy has some great suggestions for successful posts.  He is speaking partially about his own site but what he is saying is generic.


Grown ups still like Mad Libs………

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinau14 @ 5:01 pm

LOL – this is crazy. Put together with input of over 100 other YouTube contributors.  Some people just cant let go of their childhood.


Mad Libs for teaching and other fun stuff

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinau14 @ 4:54 pm
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Remember the days of Mad Libs?  I loved Mad Libs!  I found a site through that allows you to do Mad Libs online.  Too cool.  Anyone who works with kids or plans to in the future should remember this site and these books.  Kids enjoy the silliness of them and they are learning even if using potty words……like we used to when we were kids!

This is a great site that has resources for teachers and fun stuff for kids.