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McCloud’s Comics November 12, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — prende03 @ 12:41 pm

I enjoyed reading McCloud’s chapter on comics. It was fun and interesting to read a chapter that was finally different from dull, long, boring chapters. Most that I’ve read in text books only contain words that I’ll never need that the author only uses to try and sound smart instead of having their readers actually understand what’s going on and not pondering about what that word is-then losing track of what they were reading in the first place. Anyway, I liked the idea of adding pictures and diagrams to this chapter. The little seperate comics broke the chapter up so it was like I wasn’t even reading a chapter! I focused mostly on how I related to books throughout my life. First there were mostly pictures and very few words but for children that’s important. They need to sometimes make up their own stories in their mind. This allows their imagination to grow. Then I remember reading books in Elementary school that had some pictures with words. This helps children build their vocabulary and understanding of certain words, phrases, etc. Finally, as adults we no longer need or even want pictures to go along with our novels. It’s fun to use our imaginations to create images in our minds. I really enjoyed reading this and it was fun to finally read something a little bit different.


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